Iisus Hristos Ancient of Days - a very rare iconographic type depicting the Second Person of the Trinity in the form of a gray-haired old man. Source iconography - Daniel's prophecy Christ Ancient of Days. Traditional Clothing for Christ icons, usually cruciform nimbus. The epithet ancient days as the source of iconography dates back to the Old Testament. In the vision of the prophet Daniel, God is described as an old man - the Ancient of days sat down at his clothing white as snow, and the hair of his head - like pure wool (Daniel 7: 9). Understanding the Bible's Old days as God the Father, the first Person of the Holy Trinity, leads to such schemes is formally prohibited ikonografichnim Trinity picture as Fatherland and Soprestolie. The dogma of neizobrazimosti God the Father and repeatedly described in the Bible anthropomorphic types Divine (Gen. 3: 8; 32: 24-28; Ex 6: 1, 33. 23; Dan 7: 9, 13, etc.), leading to the conclusion that that visible to people was the second person of the Trinity, God the Son. In iconography similar point of view expressed in the Labeling name of Jesus Christ over the old image of Days
Size: 24x32 cm
Material: natural linden wood, oak shpugi, forged hook.
IMPORTANT! High quality image requires a delicate care (gently wipe dry / damp cloth without cleaning agents).