• Icon antique Semistrelnaya 17h23 see the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Icon antique Semistrelnaya 17h23 see the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Icon antique Semistrelnaya 17h23 see the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Icon antique Semistrelnaya 17h23 see the Blessed Virgin Mary

Icon antique Semistrelnaya 17h23 see the Blessed Virgin Mary

Article: ПД001110

Price: 19 $

In stock

The original icon of Our Lady of Seven Arrows was uncovered in the 19th century in the city of Vologda some peasant who found her on the church kolokolne. Some time later, when the city epidemic of cholera, according to the prayers of the Mother of God before this healed many people. She became revered as miraculous.

Unfortunately, after the 1917 revolution, she disappeared from the church of St. John the Evangelist, where he kept, and since then her whereabouts are unknown.

On the icon of the Mother of God is depicted without the Infant Christ. In her breasts drawn seven arrows (swords), symbolizing war, hatred, misfortune, illness and other misfortunes that Holy reflects their prayers. The story of this icon in common with other known manner of Our Lady Softener of Evil Hearts, which also shows the seven swords. At the same time, the iconographic meaning of the two icons of the same - Holy Mother of God, he prays to the world, about getting rid of hostility from human cruelty.

Beautiful wooden icon with the image formed in the canonical style antique. Production technique completely mimics the old icons. The front surface is covered with varnish. The frame is made of wood. Compact and easy to take with you on a journey, a pilgrimage, or add it to the home iconostasis. Each icon is packaged in a pretty envelope of burlap.

Material: natural wood, paint, varnish, lithography

Size: 17h23 cm

We can manufacture any canonical icon on your order: images of the Saviour, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Saints or the Orthodox holidays. Price is not changed. It will depend on the size of the icons.

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