What helps akathist John Sochavsky
John Sochavsky is prayed by people who are closely connected with trade, because during his lifetime he was also a merchant. To read the prayers, you must purchase an icon in the church with the image of the Holy One. The image of John is best placed directly at a store or near it. Before the start of a new work day, you need to put a candle near the icon and read the Akathist, then talk about your needs and ask the Holy Help with a pure soul.
Regular reading of the akathist helps people who have business in commerce / business gone on the lows. That this does not happen in the future, it is necessary to pray to John Sochavsky every day.
What are they praying to John Sochavsky?
Reading Akathist John Sochavsky for trade, people ask for help about:
salvation from lack of money and low earnings;
improvement of financial solvency;
so that the table does not disappear abundance;
improve trade.
Parishioners from all over the world are also often asked to get rid of hunger, poverty and much more.