• What it is necessary to know for each girl or confidential conversations about the most important
  • What it is necessary to know for each girl or confidential conversations about the most important

What it is necessary to know for each girl or confidential conversations about the most important

Article: ПД008768

Price: 9 $

Out of stock

Binding : soft.
Number of pages : 191.
Publisher : Danilvsky evangelist.

The book is devoted to the most important issues of the moral education of the girl and is intended for family reading. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of the girl for family life, the acquisition of good skills and qualities necessary for the future wife and mother. From the Orthodox point of view, problems are highlighted here, especially those of adolescent girls: friendship and love, beauty external and internal, justice and mercy, choice of life path.

Formed in the form of instructive conversations of the mother with her daughter (in the beginning this little five-year-old girl, at the end of her about fifteen years), the book is easy to read and, hopefully, will be useful for both parents and children.

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Topic: Children`s Books

Type: Gift Editions

Language: Russian

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