Reverend doctor

In the depths of the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, among the imperishable remains of many holy ascetics of our earth are the relics of the heavenly healer and assistant - the Monk Agapit of Caves, a doctor without a mole.

Saint Agapitus worked in the Pechersk monastery in the 11th century, and from that time does not leave without help all those who turn to him with faith in the power of God, which was manifested through this Lord's servant. From the life of the saint it is known that he was engaged in caring for the sick, his own affairs, embodying one of the most important Christian commandments - love for one's neighbor. The brethren soon began to notice that those to whom Agapit gave a boiled potion of herbs, according to his prayers, received healing. The Monk freely assisted everyone who addressed him: both ordinary people and the powerful of this world. So he was healed the future Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh (1114 - 1125). The grateful prince wanted to give the holy gifts, but he simply disappeared from him.

Of course, such kindness of Agapita caused malice among ordinary healers, who remained without patients and large incomes. One of such envious persons even tried to poison a monk, but that man by God's help remained unharmed, proving the Gospel words: and if something is lethal drink, it will not hurt them (Mark 16:18).

The Monk continued to heal people, but according to the Providence of God, it was the grave illness that was sent to him as the last test before moving to another world. One can only imagine what it was like for a saint who healed other people to bear all the burdens of the illness without having a possibility to help himself. But he patiently tolerated and did not give up prayers, for which he received from God a precise notice of the time of his death.

Saint Agapit did not leave his abode, his imperishable relics have been resting in the Near Caves of the Monastery since that time, healings continue on the prayers of the saint of God. Help in the healing of the monk also asked and many doctors, to whom he showed an example of gratuitous assistance to all the suffering. For more than nine hundred years, the monk has bestowed health on all who ask of him with faith. Reverend Father Agapite, pray to God for us!

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