• The Bible with illustrations of Gustave Dore. Gift Edition
  • The Bible with illustrations of Gustave Dore. Gift Edition
  • The Bible with illustrations of Gustave Dore. Gift Edition

The Bible with illustrations of Gustave Dore. Gift Edition

Article: ПД010285

Price: 549 $

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Old and New Testament. Publishing bookseller-typographer Mauritius Osipovich Wolf. 1876 ​​Handmade whole-leather binding with gold stamping.

Bible illustrations by Gustave Dore
Dimensions of the book: height - 28.4 cm
width - 20.3 cm

3 volumes in 2 covers.
publication format: A4. Illustrations: b / w engravings.
Volume I - 870 p.
Volume II - 682 pages.
Volume III - 476 pp.

The exclusive book is framed in a binding of solid natural leather handmade. The product is decorated with blister and gold-embossed, 230 illustrations. The Bible is one of the greatest books in the world. In Christianity, the Bible is Holy Scripture. It consists of the New Testament and the Old Testament, which contain the message of the Lord God, as well as the Christian idea of ​​the creation of the world.
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This book of the Holy Scriptures with 230 illustrations by French artist Gustave Dore, executed in 1864-1866, respectively. The Bible is printed in St. Petersburg and Moscow in 1876-1878. Gracefully executed engravings with live paintings reveal before our eyes the centuries-old biblical history of the Old and New Testaments from the creation of the world to the Revelation of John. We see images of great men of faith, prophets and apostles, a vividly depicted history of Israel and trace God's plan for the salvation of mankind through the Son of God Jesus Christ. Gustave Dore was born in France, in Strasbourg in 1832, and died in Paris in 1883. During his life he achieved great success and became one of the most famous illustrators of the XIX century. French artist Gustave Dore during his life has created hundreds of exquisite illustrations for plots of biblical stories. His illustrations were used in various editions of the Bible in different languages ​​in Europe of the nineteenth century, and later in the countries of North and South America. Illustrated scenes on biblical themes were created by many fine art masters, but among them Dore was one of the most prominent. Thanks to the realism of his style, he gave a second life to these stories describing real events. In the artist's illustrations, the biblical heroes and scenes depicted look believable and genuine. Contemporaries of Gustave Dore criticized his work and doubted his competence as an artist. Nevertheless, his illustrations have stood the test of time and still vividly reflect important biblical events. After him, there are more than ten thousand illustrations left to more than 90 books, hundreds of oil paintings and watercolors, many sculptures, but his world-famous illustrations to classical works of world literature brought true glory to Dore. He also illustrated children's classic literature, including Arabian tales and Charles Perrot. In 1865, the French publishing house Alfred Mame et fils issued a Bible with luxurious illustrations to Dore. The rights to the English edition of this book were acquired by the London publishing house Cassel, Petter and Galpin, and from 1866 to 1870 the Bible with illustrations by Gustav Dore began to be published in parts simultaneously in London and New York. Soon, the Bible with illustrations Dore was published in several other languages. Many people believe that Bible illustrations are the best that Dore created.

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