A copy of the ancient miraculous Icon of The Virgin of White Lake (XIII century).
Stored in the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
The history of each of the miraculous icon talks about hundreds and thousands of saved people who sincerely believe and pray saints. But not only famous miraculous icons can make wonders. Almost every Christian family may tell a special story about how their family icon saved them, healed and helped. Exactly such stories make a faith alive, and icons true means of communication with God.
Manufacturing technology:
In the manufacture of icons technique of ancient monasteries is used. On a wooden base, prepared with gesso, (primer based on chalk and animal glue with the addition of linseed oil) a stencil-old icon of reproduction of the original is applied by a special method.Then iconographer draws divine image with the natural colors, which is an exact replica of the original. Upon final completion of the "figure" , the icon is worked up with a special technique throught wich the icon appears with natural cracks as original vintage icons of the Middle Ages.
Measurements: 34х46 см