Shestodnev, or Hexameron - is a description of the creation of the world by God from the primordial nothingness, revealed to us in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis. Actually, the Bible begins from these chapters. In the biblical story of the creation of the world occurs in six days (from the point of view of modern apologetics these days are a sign of succession, that is, periods, and also hierarchy, that is, significance). The entire Biblical Shestodnev, until the last closing day of the Sabbath, stretches the thread from the lower to the higher. The text reflexes of the Sixth Day create literally the visual pattern necessary to show the reader, listener, observer that it is not a descriptive nature of the text, but a high sacred poetry that conveys the very essence of the phenomenon, rather than its specific details. This is the doctrine of the beginning of the world and the meaning of the world.
Size: 30x37.5 centimeters
Material: natural wood linden, oak buds, wrought-iron hook.
IMPORTANT! A high-quality image requires delicate care (gently wipe with a dry / damp cloth without the use of cleaning agents).